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Guidelines for Water Quality in Food Production

Ensuring Drinking Quality Water Supply

Water used in food production must meet drinking quality standards:

  • Ensure adequate supply of drinking quality water to prevent food contamination.
  • View water as a food component; store, dispense, and use it safely.
  • Keep sinks and taps clean, free from chemicals that could taint food.

Separate Systems for Non-Drinking Water

Non-drinking quality water used for specific purposes must be managed separately:

  • Use separate and identified systems for purposes like fire control, steam production, and refrigeration.
  • Avoid connections with systems for drinking quality water to prevent contamination.

Recycled Water Standards

If recycled water is used, ensure it does not pose contamination risks:

  • Ensure recycled water meets the same standard as drinking quality water, unless local authority approval is obtained.
  • Must not affect the safety of food in its finished form.

Safe Handling of Ice

Ice used in contact with food must meet drinking quality standards:

  • Ensure ice made from drinking quality water when in contact with food or used in drinks.
  • Handle and store ice to prevent contamination.
  • Service and maintain ice machines to ensure ice quality and hygiene.

Steam Quality and Food Contact

Steam used directly with food must be free from hazardous substances:

  • Avoid substances that could contaminate food through steam contact.

Heat Treatment and Water Quality

After heating food in hermetically sealed containers, ensure cooling water does not contaminate food:

  • Use cooling water that is not a source of contamination for the food.

Maintenance of Water Dispensers

Water dispensers and fountains must be maintained to ensure safe drinking water:

  • Service and clean dispensers according to manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Report any faults or issues to management promptly.